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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 61

I am a little upset with myself for missing a day on here. But when I was thinking about blogging yesterday, it would have ended up as a serious rant. I had a two hour conversation with a friend yesterday. It was not pretty. I had to be very straight forward and explain that the decisions he is making as far as where he is putting his energy is destroying his relationship with me and his brother. That by refusing to walk away from a situation that is literally going to destroy who he is, that he is pushing away the people that actually care about him.
So now, I can look at it as being over and if he chooses not to take what I said into account, then I stand by my feelings of not putting any more energy into it.

Today was not really blog worthy. I did very little. I spent the evening with my niece and nephew and got some excellent cuddling during story time. I love those kids so much.

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